Some organizations adopt an elitist stance that looks down on entry-level individuals, assuming that focusing on the experts will make the company an exclusive, elitist, and important player. However, this strategy can have the opposite effect, since it disrespects beginners and limits the market potential.

A viable alternative is to treat newbies with respect and make them repeat customers, which can be achieved by crafting beginners' guides. Despite the name, these guides can be presented in different extensions, however, they share the characteristic of containing detailed information. Once you've crafted a high-quality guide, it's critical to promote it to get visibility, traffic, and links to your site. This approach can significantly contribute to expanding the company's presence and winning customer loyalty.


With my extensive experience, I can say that speaking at conferences is an efficient way to win new customers and increase the visibility of the company. In addition, it is an opportunity to demonstrate expertise in a given area and strengthen the brand. Investing in participation in events is a valuable marketing strategy for companies of any size, as long as it is properly planned. It is necessary to study the target audience, choose relevant events and prepare impactful and informative lectures.

Remember that when you speak at events, you are representing your company and should look professional and trustworthy. Therefore, it is essential to train your team well and invest in support materials, such as presentations and folders. In addition to generating business, speaking at conferences can provide networking opportunities with other market professionals. It's a chance to exchange ideas, network and learn from other experts.

In short, attending conferences and speaking is a valuable marketing strategy for companies of all industries and sizes. With adequate planning, it is possible to obtain expressive results and increase brand visibility.


Offering significant discounts can negatively affect a business's profit margins, but it's important to consider the great exposure that can be gained by attracting a large amount of new customers. This can be a valuable opportunity to turn these new visitors into loyal customers, which can result in significant long-term profits. A few years ago, an entrepreneur named Lucas, aged around 27, had a brilliant idea to create a food festival entitled "FoodieFest". With the goal of getting 1,500 paying attendees, he chose to charge R$80 per ticket and partnered with a discount site, offering a 30% discount for the first 500 tickets sold.

Thanks to this marketing strategy, Lucas managed to sell more than 1,000 tickets in just one week. With the release of the promotion, word spread quickly and he sold around 800 additional tickets at the regular price. As a result, Lucas no longer needed to offer promotions as the festival became extremely popular. People were eager to try new flavors and have fun in a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere.

By positioning a product or service with an exceptional offer, you can not only guarantee immediate sales, but can also generate a great deal of positive exposure. This can be a significant boost to growing a business and establishing a loyal customer base. Therefore, offering discounts can be a very effective and successful marketing strategy for businesses of all sizes.


To encourage customers to buy and attract more people to your store or website, it's important to reward them with discounts and promotions. Advertising your sales clearly can also help increase sales and attract new customers. It's important to remember that offering a discount doesn't mean that customers won't buy items at full price, but that they may be more motivated to make more purchases.

By offering a discount on an item, the customer may be more likely to purchase another product that they are interested in, as they have already made an advantageous purchase agreement. Because of this, coupons are a powerful tool for building stronger customer relationships. According to surveys, most consumers (81%) are willing to take additional actions to redeem a discount or coupon, such as signing up for a loyalty program.

Discounts are an efficient way to acquire new customers and keep existing customers. Offering coupons can be an effective strategy to stand out from competitors and increase customer loyalty. It is important to remember that, when offering a discount, it is essential to maintain the quality of the service or product offered, so that customers return and recommend the business to others.


When it comes to digital marketing, it is essential that you have an efficient and fast website. A slow site can frustrate visitors and make them leave your page. It is important to avoid this digital marketing mistake as it can significantly affect your traffic and conversions. Having a slow website can negatively affect your search engine rankings, as site speed is an important factor for Google and other search engines. Also, a slow site can discourage visitors from spending more time on your site and affect your bounce rate.

To avoid this digital marketing mistake, it's important to choose a reliable hosting provider and ensure your website is optimized for fast loading. This could include reducing the size of your images and files, reducing the number of plugins you use, and avoiding too many redirects. Test your site speed regularly and make adjustments as needed. Having a fast and efficient website is critical to the success of your digital marketing. By avoiding this digital marketing mistake, you can ensure that your visitors have a pleasant experience on your website and are more likely to convert to customers.


Spam is a digital marketing practice that should be avoided at all costs. Sending mass email messages or posting mass comments on social media might seem like a good idea to reach a lot of people in a short time, but doing so is damaging to your image and can lead to serious legal consequences.

Also, spam is generally not effective in terms of conversion, as most people ignore or delete these messages without even reading them. Instead, focus on creating a content marketing strategy that is relevant and valuable to your target audience, and use legitimate communication channels like email marketing and social media to distribute that content. This will help build stronger relationships with your customers and increase the chances of conversion.


A common mistake companies make in digital marketing is overlooking abandoned shopping carts. When customers add items to their shopping cart but don't complete their purchase, it could be a sign that something isn't working right in their buying process. Ignoring this situation can lead to significant loss of revenue and lost sales opportunities.

It's important to understand the reasons why customers abandon their shopping carts and act accordingly. It could be that there are problems with the usability of your website, payment difficulties or even very high shipping costs. You can send email reminders or offer discounts to encourage customers to come back and complete their purchases. Be proactive and watch out for abandoned carts to improve your conversion rate and maximize your sales opportunities.


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