In recent years, Google has implemented several updates to its algorithms to improve search results, highlighting the importance of SEO. However, just as crucial as optimizing content to be found by search engines is providing an exceptional user experience (UX). This means that your website must be easy to navigate, load quickly and offer genuinely useful content. In other words, it is essential that your website meets the following requirements:

  1. Have a user-friendly interface;
  2. Have a fast loading time;
  3. Offer relevant and interesting content.

Chances are, you already know what it means to have a user-friendly website with low data consumption while loading.


Although the Marketing and Sales teams already work in related areas, there was a certain segregation between these two niches. However, it is believed that this is definitely changing, as there is already an increasing approximation between the sectors. The union between Marketing and Sales is a practice that has been adopted for some years, and there is a strong possibility that these two sectors will be integrated under a single area. Professionals have been referring to this union as "Vendarketing" or "Smarketing", but it's likely that they will soon cease to be just nicknames and become an independent division, overseen by a specific head in this ultimate merger.


Social Selling is not a new trend. For years, this practice of person-to-person sales has been consolidated on LinkedIn as a B2B (business-to-business) tool. However, the novelty of current Social Selling is the expansion of the one-on-one selling concept to a mass strategy on other social networks. On platforms like Instagram, for example, content is created with the intention of arousing the interest of followers and encouraging them to get in touch with the company through private messages. When entering a chat and interacting directly with the brand, the probability of making a sale is significantly greater, as the approach and objective of proximity - the sale - become evident.

In addition, social networks - and even instant messaging platforms such as WhatsApp - are incorporating Social Selling tools to make these sales even more common. Product catalogues, chatbots (automated assistants that prepare the consumer for a sale) and the practice of live commerce (sales via live broadcasts) are just a few examples of howthis Digital Marketing trend is increasingly gaining momentum in 2023.


One of the main advantages of voice search as a digital marketing trend for brands is that potential customers can express their desires and curiosities clearly and without filters, providing concise information about the problems they face or the goals they want to achieve very much. fast. Furthermore, this voice search, command and navigation technology includes people with disabilities (PCDs) as possible new customers in an increasingly diverse market.

Currently, tools are being developed around the world that seek to restore the independence and inclusion that have been denied to people with disabilities over the past centuries. A magnificent and pioneering example in Brazil is what RD (Digital Results) has done in the brand's face-to-face and online events. Before a speaker begins to speak, for example, he introduces himself by saying his name, position in the company, and describing his appearance.

In this way, PCDs who can only listen to the lecture (or read the audio transcript) do not have the opportunity to learn prevented — by the lack of sensitivity or awareness that has dominated our culture until then. The company also benefits from this, of course, but it leads an expansion of the market for an interest that goes far beyond increasing profitability! The broadening of accessibility and acceptance of different minorities in social diversification has more to do with the genuine desire to make a company serve people based on experience.


Voice search is constantly evolving, both on mobile and desktop devices. It is notable that updates to voice navigation are becoming more frequent and efficient. This trend is not only driven by public demand for ease of use through voice commands and searches, but also by the launch of smart devices and headsets with full voice control without the need for physical buttons. Alexa, Amazon's virtual assistant, is a prominent example of how voice-only navigation still has a lot to offer curious explorers looking to hop on board this ever-expanding trend, especially in 2023.


In 2022, few tools have made such a significant and rapid impact on productivity as the popularization of artificial intelligence, also known as "machine learning". The ChatGPT platform gained prominence as the most practical and humanized free artificial intelligence available on the internet so far.

Many people are already using the platform to speed up content production, help with website programming and even learn new things. Using ChatGPT is easy: you simply write a question or describe the type of content you need, and it lists the information for you in an easy-to-understand way, as if someone were explaining everything to you.

However, it is important to remember that while the idea of creating content in one click is fascinating, Google considers the use of AI-generated content to be spam and will be fought by the search engine, especially on blogs. In addition to text creation, brainstorming or learning in general, artificial intelligence has also been widely used for creating original images or for optimizing ready-made images. The DALL-E 2 platform, created by the same ChatGPT team at OpenAI, is capable of creating images from any description you provide.


Images have become increasingly important on the internet and this trend has been reinforced in recent years. An example of this is the priority that Google has given to images in search results, placing them at the top of the page. A good example of this is the Orgânica logo that appears prominently in the first positions of the search for "Digital Marketing agency".

Google knows that images have a strong power to capture our attention, unlike texts or videos that can take longer to engage the public. Therefore, a strong trend in Digital Marketing in 2023 is the optimization of images with SEO to improve the positioning of your content in search results. Having an Instagram account or using Pinterest with well-crafted and useful images can also contribute to being featured in searches. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to invest in quality images to attract public attention and improve your online presence.


Multichannel Communication (Omnichannel) is a strategy that brings together all the company's points of contact on a single platform. This means that all messages, emails and even calls from a phone number are centralized in one place. From this platform, communication is directed to the responsible sector and the customer's profile is easily accessible, allowing access to the history of interactions and behavior.

With this, customer service is more agile and personalized, and the company saves resources, as it is no longer necessary to manage several platforms separately. Everything is concentrated in one place with internal divisions. Multichannel Communication is a Digital Marketing trend for 2023 that has been quickly adopted by companies, as it solves the problem of segregated communication without the need to hire more people or acquire more tools. Orgânica even partnered with Tallos to implement this strategy, following our own tips to offer an even better service to our customers.


Have you noticed how all these Digital Marketing trends for 2023 are based on the humanization of the virtual world? An example of this is the chatbots I mentioned in the Social Selling trend. In the beginning, the goal of these chatbots was to allow the customer to self-service before talking to a human. That is, the application of automated conversation was limited to taking the customer from point A to point B, such as paying a bill, checking data and answering common questions.

However, chatbots have been so successful that the trend has evolved into Conversational Marketing. Also known as Conversational Marketing, the goal now is to create new touchpoints to do marketing and sales from a humanized conversation, instead of simply taking the customer from one point to another. While chatbots are still used to automate much of this conversation and bring the customer to a real human being when it's time to close the deal, automation needs to feel as robotic as possible. Conversational Marketing, in addition to increasing the number of hot leads that reach the sales sector with real people, strengthens the relationship of potential customers with the brand, taking advantage of artificial intelligence.


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