A brand strategy is a comprehensive plan that helps companies determine how they will position and market their products or services. It includes decisions about what products or services to offer, what messages to communicate, and what channels to use. Brand strategy also encompasses identity decisions, including logo design, brand names and slogans.

Why is a brand strategy important?

A brand strategy helps you to focus on what is important and avoid wasting time, money, effort and energy on things that are not important. For example: it’s easy to get distracted by marketing tactics like social media or email campaign development when you have the larger goal of building a strong brand in mind.

However, if you have a clear goal and strategy in mind, you can make sure that all of your marketing activities support the bigger picture. In this way, strategic thinking helps you to avoid getting distracted by short-term tactics that may not be effective or even appropriate for your business.

What goes into a successful brand strategy?

A brand strategy is a plan to help a company achieve its objectives. It helps a company create more value for customers and a stronger brand. A successful brand strategy helps the company connect with their audience on a deeper level, which can lead to increased revenue, higher profits and customer loyalty. There are many components to creating an effective brand strategy including:

  • What makes up the overall objective? Is it increasing sales or strengthening customer relationships?
  • How do you identify your audience? Are they millennials or baby boomers?
  • How are you going to get them to engage with your product/service/company?
  • What channels will be used (social media platforms like Instagram) to communicate with your target market about these updates regularly so that everyone stays informed at all times--not just when something new comes out!

Brand Strategy vs Marketing Strategy

Brand strategy is not the same thing as marketing strategy. While it may be tempting to think of them as one and the same, there are important differences that make it worth distinguishing between the two:

Brand strategy focuses on long-term goals and opportunities for your brand, while marketing strategy focuses on short-term tactics (for example, how you plan on communicating your message in a given period).

Brand strategy is about building a relationship with your audiencehow you can get them to care about what you have to say, why they should choose your product or service over another one like it, and whether they'll want to continue doing business with you after the initial sale. Marketing strategies usually take an even shorter viewthey're often just months-long plans that cover when and where advertising will run or how social media posts will be created.

5 Key Components of a Brand Strategy

A brand strategy is a plan that defines the brand's purpose, values, and unique position in the market. In other words, your brand strategy will tell you what your company stands for and how it wants to be perceived by customers.

  • Brand strategy includes several components:
  • Brand positioning Defines how you want your product or service to be perceived relative to competitors; this drives which audience segments you target (see below).
  • Brand identity Defines how your company wants to be recognized on social media channels (e.g., Twitter or Facebook) with an overarching visual theme or color palette that ties into other elements of its marketing efforts like advertising campaigns and packaging artwork; this also sets up guidelines for developing new products or services so they have a consistent look across all channels without being copied by competitors who may try to imitate them at some point down the roadit helps prevent any potential legal issues related with trademark infringement as well!
  • Brand promise/proposition What sets apart from other similar offerings out there? What unique value does it offer consumers over everyone else out there competing against each other within specific product categories? This should be written down clearly so everyone involved knows exactly where theyre headed before making any decisions about what direction(s) take us next project-wise etc.

How to build a brand strategy?

  1. Start with the customer. A brand strategy starts with understanding who your customers are and what they need, want, and value.
  2. Identify your brand's USP (unique selling proposition). What is it that makes you different? Why should people choose to do business with you over someone else?
  3. Create a brand vision statement. This should be a clear statement of what you want the brand to stand for and how you want it to grow over time.
  4. Develop a story about how your company came into being, what its history is, where its going and why this matters to people in their lives todayand going forward into the future as well!

Examples of a Brand Strategy

  • Amazon

Amazon takes things seriously and gathers all efforts to ascertain a robust complete positioning. The illustrious e-commerce company took care of the options that differentiated it from dozens of others and allowed it to square out from the massive competition. currently clients select Amazon for its quick delivery and seamless customer service.

  • Tesla

Tesla may be a super fashionable company that carries a better purpose. It produces electrical cars and promotes property. you'll be able to determine regarding the companys mission in its purpose statement. It mentions efforts aimed toward delivery the globe towards property energy. In a shell, a complete strategy helps you retain all of your steps organized. With its facilitate, youll reach your main targets quicker and additional expeditiously.


In this post, we’ve defined what a brand strategy is and how it differs from marketing strategies. We’ve also discussed some important components of a brand strategy and how to create one that aligns with your overall business goals. Finally, weve given you some examples of brands with strong brand strategies that use these same principles to drive growth today. If you have any questions about crafting or implementing your own brand strategy, please don't hesitate to reach out! We're always happy to help :)