Your social media marketing strategy may be strong, but that doesn't mean it's complete. Marketing your brand on social media requires constant evaluation and optimization or you risk falling behind your competitors who are constantly evaluating and adjusting their SMM strategies. Here are five tactics you can use today to take your SMM strategy to the next level and increase engagement with your audience.

1) Use emotional imagery

Statistically speaking, people are more likely to remember the images they see on the screen than what they read. It's essential to keep this in mind when designing your social media marketing strategy. Images can convey a message and make it easier for viewers to understand what you are trying to say. The type of image you use is up to you. Still, various types of images will have the most significant impact: moving images, inspirational quotes and motivational quotes, visually stunning photos and videos, etc. Lots of online resources to find these types of images, like Picmonkey or Canva.
Emotional imagery is a great way to engage with your audience. It can be used to drive home a point or promote a product or service, but it also has the power create a sense of community.
  • Here's how you can use emotional imagery:
  • Use vivid images and words to evoke an emotional response in your audience.
  • Share content that evokes emotions like love, sadness, anger and happiness. This will help attract more engagement from your followers as they feel compelled to express their own feelings on the topic at hand.
How to Stream Live: Best Tips for Facebook and YouTubCreate a theme around your brand. People love to be able to put their finger on something and say, “Yes, that’s me.” Using emotional imagery helps you create a theme or mood for your brand that people can relate to and rally behind.

2) Use questions

Questions are a great way to engage with your audience, and they can be used in many ways. For example:
  • Ask for advice. This can be done by asking questions like “What do you think of my latest blog post?” or “What advice would you give someone who wants to start a business?”
  • Ask for feedback. One common way people ask for feedback is through polls on social media; another popular method is by posting open-ended questions with no right or wrong answers (e.g., "How do I improve my website?").
  • Ask for opinions and information about the topic at hand from your followers (e.g., "Have any of you tried our new product?").
  • Ask questions that help build relationships with your audience members by getting them talking about themselves instead of focusing on selling yourself or your business (e.g., "Tell me something interesting about yourself"). This type of question might include: What's one thing that makes you happy every day? What do you enjoy doing most in life?"

What types of posts do you want to post? · How often should you post? · Should you schedule your posts in advance? · What kind of hashtags should you use? · Where are your target audience members on social media and how can you reach them there? · How do different platforms affect the dissemination of content and how will this affect your strategy? · What is the balance between promoting your content and interacting with others on social media? There is no perfect answer to this question, but you should have a clear strategy before posting. Let's say you've decided that for every ten posts about your product or service, one should be about another person or company.

3) Vídeos

Videos are a great way to engage your audience. They are more engaging than static images, and they can make your content more memorable. You can use them to tell stories, explain how something works or show people how to do things. You could even use them as an example of what you do or show people what you have done in the past.

Hone in on the emotions that your audience is feeling and tap into them. Use visuals to illustrate these emotions, such as happy faces or sad tears. Showcase how your product or service can help people overcome their problems by creating an emotional connection with themThere are many different types of videos, and you can use them for a variety of purposes. You could create an explainer video that gives people a quick overview of what your company does or how to use one of your products. You could also create a product demonstration video that shows people how to use the product or service..

4) Use live streaming

Live streaming can be a great tool to connect and interact with your audience. This allows them to tune in and feel like they are part of something more personal, allowing you to share more details about your work and life.

Live streaming is a powerful way to engage with your audience.

Show behind-the-scenes footage. In addition to being an opportunity for you to show off your brand, live streaming can be used as a customer service tool. For example, if you’re at an event and want people to see what it looks like, simply stream the event on Facebook Live or YouTube Live!

Interact with your audience. This can be done in two ways: via text or video comments, or by asking them questions during the video session itself through polling software like Poll Everywhere or GoPollit! (which we use here at Buffer).

Promote new products and services through live events that are streamed online and archived afterward as videos of their own on social media (and elsewhere).

Host Q&A sessions with experts and influencers. This is a great way to build up your expertise as an industry leader by inviting an expert or two onto your live stream, asking them questions from the audience, and then recording it all for later use. By having a video or audio file that you can share on social media, you’ll be able to reach even more people with this valuable content.

5) Use user-generated content

We love user-generated content! It's the best way to engage your followers with your brand and show them they're part of something bigger. Plus, we have a few tricks up our sleeves that will help you get more people to take the time to share their thoughts on your posts. We won't say what they are, but we'll give you a hint: one is like any two-syllable word, and another is like the word we.

There are three reasons why user-generated content (UGC) is a good idea for your social media marketing:

  • UGC can be easily created and posted. Whether it’s a picture of a customer at a restaurant, or a testimonial from someone who loves your product, you don't need to take any time out of your day to create something new.
  • UGC shows your audience that other people love what you're doing. When customers see how much fun others are having at events that they were also at, or read reviews about how great the service was in their own words, it makes them more likely to want to experience those things too—which leads us into our next point...
  • UGC gives people perspective on what the experience actually looks like without being heavily biased by advertising or marketing messages (like those pesky billboards). This means customers trust this type of information more than other types."

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